Office Bearer

S K Mishra,DAO-1



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Welcome to Jharkhand DAO/DA Association

The Jharkhand DA/DAO Association has been recognized vide letter no. WM-I/2018-19/1150/11-12-2018.

We, The Divisional Accounts officer /Divisional Accountant being the employee of office of the Accountant General (A&E) Jharkhand, Ranchi under Indian Audit and Accounts Department solemnly resolve to constitute our representative in the matters relating to the employee & to promote fraternity and unity among the employees do hereby adopt & promulgate and give to ourselves this constitution of association.


The present cadre of Divisional Accountants/Divisional Accounts Officers originated over 150 years ago with the creation of the separate Department of Public Works in Feb 1855(British East India Company) , to look after Civil and Military Buildings / Irrigation, communication and Railway matters. A central office of Accounts under the Chief Engineer was setup in each province to which the Disbursing Officers were required to submit their detailed and original accounts along with vouchers and monthly internal audit of expenditure and internal pre audit of bills were also introduced.

Office Bearer

General Secretary

S C Das,  DAO-I

Mobile 9431196114

                       From the very inception, the importance of maintenance of accounts in the Department was kept in view and the respective Chief Engineers of the then Provinces were made responsible for proper compilation and control of expenditure incurred by the disbursing officers under them.

Constitutional Status of the Cadre

In exercising powers conferred by clause (5) of article 148 of the constitution and in supersession of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department (Divisional Accountant / Divisional Accounts Officer) recruitment rules has been made framed by president after Consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. These rules may be called the Indian Audit and Accounts Department (Divisional Accountant / Divisional Accounts Officer) recruitment rules.

The Divisional Accountants are constituted in a separate cadre for fulfillment of duty entrusted to the Comptroller and Auditor General of India under article 149 of the constitution of India, in the matter of compilation and audit of Public Works Accounts. This cadre is intended to provide one trained Accountant for each Public Work Division.

The cadre of Divisional Accountant is under administrative control of Accountant General of the state concerned who is given power to create or abolish permanent or temporary post of Divisional Accountant under Manual of Standing Order of   Comptroller and Auditor General of India. The State Government concerned bears fully the cost on establishment of Divisional Accountants including its salary, allowances, LTC, Travelling Allowances, Medical Reimbursement, Children Education Allowances etc.

Structure of Cadre

Presently Divisional Accountant/ Divisional Accounts Officers constitute a separate cadre in 17 states under the administrative control of Indian Audit & accounts Department. The existing structure of the cadre is as follows:-

Designation Percentage (total strength) 7 th Pay Report
Pay Band Grade
Level Amount
35 PB-II
4200 6 34400-112400
Divisional Accounts
Officer Gr.II
25 PB-II
4600 7 44900-142400
Divisional Accounts
Officer Gr.I
25 PB-II
4800 8 47600-151100
Sr. Divisional Accounts
5400 10 56100-177500

Duties and Responsibilities- Three-fold duties and functions of DA/DAO have been elaborately described in Chapter 4 and 22 of CPWA code. The Divisional Accountants/ Divisional Accounts Officers perform their duties and responsibilities as enumerated also in different para of the Jharkhand Public Accounts Code/ Jharkhand Public Work Department Code MSO (A&E) Vol I Chapter 8 and MSO (Audit) Section IV also entrust important function too DAOs/DAs.

Three-fold duties are broadly covered under the following groups:- As an Accountant, as an Internal checker and as a Financial Adviser to the Divisional Officer in all matter relating to the Accounts and Budget estimates. The DAs/DAOs are expected to see that the rules and orders in force are observed in respect of all transaction of the Division which come within the sphere of his/her duties.


Office Bearer

General Secretary

S C Das, DAO-I.

Mobile 9431196114
